Cognitive Radio SensorNetwork (CRSN), incorporating cognitive radio capability in wireless sensor networks, is a newparadigm of\nthe next-generation sensor network. Sensor nodes are usually battery powered and hence have strict energy constraints. As a result,\nenergy efficiency is also a very critical problem in the CRSN. In this paper, we focus on energy consumption because of spectrum\nsensing. Furthermore, we present an adaptive spectrum sensing time interval strategy, in which SUs can adjust the next spectrum\nsensing time interval according to the current spectrum sensing results (namely, channel status). In order to find an optimal\nspectrum sensing time interval, we introduce theMarkovmodel. Then, we establish aMarkovmodel-based mathematical modeling\nfor analyzing the relationship between spectrum sensing time interval and prior spectrum sensing results. Finally, numerical results\ndemonstrate that the proposed strategy with dynamic adaptive spectrum sensing time interval exceeded listen before talk (LBT)\nstrategy which is widely used for traditional wireless sensor networks.